A historical discovery in Norway

A historical discovery in Norway

Last summer I was on vacation in Norway and at a certain point I was noted on an old container. This container is now used as a shed for firewood, which isn’t very remarkable because this happens more often in Norway. Something that is remarkable, at least for me, is that this container turned out to be an old Sties container that used to be on a motorcar or trailer. When I saw the container, I first... Read More...

The trailer of Peter Wouters

The trailer of Peter Wouters

The following story is about the trailer of the Scania R500. After some time driving around with only the colors blue and white, the trailer is now equipped with various logo’s. If you have a little knowledge of Sties, you’ll see that there is a difference between the logo’s on the sides. On the right side is the old logo, including the old temperatur garanti logo. This logo was used... Read More...

Peter Wouters his STIES Scania R500

Peter Wouters his STIES Scania R500

Peter Wouters, of the same name transport company PWT Thermo, called me a while back with the question if I still was in contact with Øystein Stie. I told him that every now and then I’m calling him. Peter had a plan to buy a truck and paint it in the Sties colors, but didn’t know if it was alright to use Stie his name. I told Peter I would ask Øystein Stie if it was alright. Øystein Stie was... Read More...

A wish that came true

A wish that came true

By: Gerrit de Heus. The following story is about the restoration of a Scania Streamline 143. This truck is from one of our southern neighbors, the Belgian Filip. Although there are Dutchmen who make fun of Belgian people, Filip is a guy to be taken serious, because of his big plans. And as far as Filip, I, as biggest Stiesfan (Gerrit), haven’t come yet, despite my large collection. This restoration... Read More...