
sties-141-g-de-heusMy name is Gerrit de Heus, also known as STIES venner. Since I am a STIES collector, I wanted to create a website that is all about STIES and keeps the name STIES alive. STIES, a legend in thermo transport; some even call it the King of Thermo.

As a collector I started collecting photographs, already back in 1970. At first, along the highway, later at gas stations and auctions. When I saw them driving, I followed them until they had a break, so that my pictures would be even nicer.

Why STIES? I guess it’s the colors and the name itself. The doors painted in the color white is something special, when you realize that this has not changed once on any of the trucks over 35 years! Without any doubt, this tells you that how the trucks were painted has been magnificent, as it fitted all types of trucks.

Besides pictures, my collection exists of STIES merchandising, ranging from paper for mailings to clothing. I have also built many micro models of STIES, various model types are located in Norway in offices of transport companies and in the homes of other collectors.

In 1986, I transported a micro model to Norway, accompanied by a real STIES combination Volvo F12. This micro model has been exchanged for a lot of merchandising, such as STIES pens, lighters, notebooks and much more.

In the course of years, my collection has grown into a STIES Museum… according to a Norwegian friend who came to visit me. Every item of my collection brings up special memories, such as the jacket that was given to me personally by a driver. These are the collector’s items, that every collector treasures.

When the name STIES disappeared, due to the name change to Nor-Cargo, part of history disappeared as well. The name STIES was at that point a phenomenon in the whole of Europe, and until the day of today, it still is for both current and former truck drivers.

I hope you enjoy this site – STIES will live forever!

Gerrit de Heus