The trailer of Peter Wouters
17 August 2010 by Gerrit de Heus
Posted in Sties stories
The following story is about the trailer of the Scania R500.
After some time driving around with only the colors blue and white, the trailer is now equipped with various logo’s. If you have a little knowledge of Sties, you’ll see that there is a difference between the logo’s on the sides. On the right side is the old logo, including the old temperatur garanti logo. This logo was used often in the ‘70 and ‘80 on, for example, the following the trucks: Volvo F89, F1225, F12, Scania -141 -142.
On the left side is the new logo, now without the comma and with a more modern font. This logo was used on the trucks until the company changed to Nor-Cargo. This combination of both logo’s was the idea of Peter Wouters himself. When he asked me what I thought of this, I told him that this would be very useful to keep the history alive, what kind of concept Sties was on the road, every logo is linked to a period of time.
Although the idea for this car is a hobbytruck, they still just work with it, and because of that you can encounter it on the road. The R500 of PWT is actually also a tribute to Øystein Stie. It’s like so many trucks, one loves it and the other one hates it.
Personally, I think the truck is great. And not only me, but apparently others also. Lately , this truck was at a truck show at Bekkevoort in Belgium and won the R500 a cup and maybe there will be more to come.
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